DWI Occupational License Attorney

Fort Worth DWI Lawyer

If you have had your driver’s license suspended, you may still be issued what is known as an “occupational driver’s license.” This special type of license will allow you to drive a non-commercial vehicle between work, school and home. You may also drive to take care of important household duties, such as medical appointments, grocery shopping, picking up your children, etc. To request this license, you will need to make a request with the County or District court closest to your home. While you are not required to have a lawyer represent you through this process, an experienced Dallas - Fort Worth DWI occupational license attorney can greatly help during this period.

There are a number of requirements and restrictions to applying for an occupational license and your Dallas - Fort Worth DUI occupational license lawyer can help you figure out what you will need to do to reinstate your driving privileges. Generally, you will need to get the court’s approval for your occupational license, then bring the court paperwork, an SR-22 insurance certificate, money for the occupational license fee and money for any required reinstatement fees to the Department of Public Safety.

If your license was suspended due to a medical problem inhibiting your ability to drive or due to a failure to pay child support payments, you are not eligible for an occupational license.

Our Dallas DWI Attorney May Be Able to Get You Greater Driving Privileges

The default time allowed for you to be on the road with an occupational driver’s license is 4 hours per day. However, with the help of a skilled Dallas - Fort Worth occupational license drunk driving defense lawyer you may be able to request you the statutory maximum time limit of 12 hours per day of driving privileges. The court will generally take into account your life circumstances and decide an appropriate license setting based on your responsibilities.

For example, if an Arlington woman with two children gets a DWI and needs to go to her part-time job, her part-time college courses and drive her children to and from school, the court would likely provide her with the maximum 12 hours a day driving privileges. On the other hand, if a childless banker living in Fort Worth only needs to go to work and back, the court would likely allow him no more than 4 hours of driving time per day.

If you have any questions about occupational licenses and how you can apply for one, contact a Dallas - Fort Worth DWI attorney from The Law Firm of A Dallas DWI Lawyer today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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